Empower your journey: find Inspiration and wisdom from fellow working moms. Stay motivated!

“Rocking Cribs and Careers (RCC)” isn’t just another podcast. It’s a movement, a community, and a beacon of support for moms navigating the dual challenges of motherhood and career advancement. Through candid conversations, expert insights, and shared experiences, RCC delves into the delicate art of mastering both cribs and careers.

daughter distracting her mother from her work
Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels.com

In a world filled with noise and chaos, RCC provides a quiet yet powerful space where professionally active moms can come together to share their stories, struggles, and triumphs. We believe that every mom has a story worth sharing and that by coming together, we can empower, inspire, and uplift one another.

mother and child sitting at the table
Photo by Kampus Production on Pexels.com

Our platform isn’t just about talking, it’s about taking action to support moms in their journey of balancing family and career.

Just as RCC values substance over superficiality, we offer more than just surface-level conversations. We provide practical strategies, expert advice, and a supportive community to help moms thrive in both their personal and professional lives.

Given that mothers make up a substantial portion of the global workforce and encounter similar challenges, RCC aims to deepen our collective understanding of the complexities of modern motherhood.

Whether you’re a CEO, a computer scientist, a stay-at-home mom, or anything in between, RCC welcomes you to join the conversation and share your wisdom with the world.

Join us, share your thoughts, and let’s rock this together!

From our founder:

In my career, I’ve met many incredible mothers balancing demanding jobs and young kids. Last year, I became a mom myself, and more than ever I wanted to know how these fantastic women are doing this. That’s how “Rocking Cribs & Careers” was born.

Katya Denike, founder

Contact us if you want to be a part of our second season 🎙️


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